Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just another day at home...

It's day 50...Mini is half way there.

...this is where Mini spends most of her day...on the computer, watching t.v. or doing schoolwork...Her friends are off from school this week and they are bored...Mini told them now they feel her pain...being home with nothing to do...I feel her pain too...that's why I painted her bed black this week...I'm bored too.  We went to the doctor today for her weekly check up...everything looks great...perfect actually...she's still 100% donor blood...the doctor said it's unusual...and most people will fluctuate between donor blood and their old blood...but so far, not Mini.  She's still getting charlie horses in her legs each morning...and she still has a cough...her lungs look may be an allergic cough...she's had this in the she started back on Claritin this week...this should help...

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